Engine / transaxle. Turbocharger. #1. #2. 2009-15 W/AWD. TT.. 2013 Audi A5

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Engine / transaxle. Turbocharger.

Engine / transaxle. Turbocharger.

#1. #2. 2009-15 W/AWD. TT.
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2009-15 W/AWD. TT.
06F253039F View Product $15.08 06F253039F Exhaust Manifold Gasket
2009-15 W/AWD. Solenoid valve. TT. A component which Prevents an overPressure condition in a turbocharged engine. Turbocharger Boost Solenoid. Included with: Control assembly, Exhaust manifold, Turbocharger.
06F906283F View Product $83.31 06F906283F Turbocharger Boost Pressure Relief Valve. Turbocharger Boost Solenoid.
2009-15 W/AWD. Cut-off valve. TT. A component which prevents an overpressure condition in a turbocharged engine. A switch which opens or closes based on a predetermined boost value. BY - PASSENGER CONTROL VALVE. Cut - off valve. Solenoid. Turbocharger Boost Pressure Relief Valve. Turbocharger Boost Pressure Safety Switch. Included with: Exhaust manifold, Turbocharger.
06H145710J View Product $210.62 06H145710J VALVE
2009-15 W/AWD. Hose. TT. Vacuum Hose. Vacuum Line. Front hose. Inlet hose. Lower hose. LOWER PRESSURE line. Pipe. Vacuum hose tube. Vacuum Line. Vacuum tube. Included with: Exhaust manifold, Turbocharger.
06J145718D View Product $51.57 06J145718D HOSE
2009-15 W/AWD. Hose clamp. TT. A part which fits around the Turbocharger Oil Line and tightens, thereby securing the component in place with a Clamping force. A part which fits around the Vacuum Line and tightens, thereby securing the component in place with a Clamping force. Turbocharger Coolant Line Clamp. Center. Clip. Connector. Elbow. Turbocharger Coolant Line. Turbocharger Oil Line. Vacuum Line. Included with: Exhaust manifold, Turbocharger.
3C0131483 View Product $6.16 3C0131483 Clamp. Hose. (Rear, Upper, Lower)
2009-15 W/AWD. Connector hose. TT. A component that helps secure the Vacuum Line to it's mounting point. A line that carries coolant from the engine through the turbocharger and back into the engine. Vacuum Hose. Vacuum Line. Center hose. Connector hose. Outlet hose. Rear hose. Turbocharger Coolant Line. Vacuum hose. Vacuum Line Adapter. Included with: Exhaust manifold, Turbocharger.
06J145718E View Product $51.57 06J145718E HOSE
2009-15 W/AWD. Connector hose clamp. TT. A part which fits around the Turbocharger Oil Line and tightens, thereby securing the component in place with a Clamping force. A part which fits around the Vacuum Line and tightens, thereby securing the component in place with a Clamping force. Turbocharger Coolant Line Clamp. Center. Clip. Connector. Elbow. Turbocharger Coolant Line. Turbocharger Oil Line. Vacuum Line. Included with: Exhaust manifold, Turbocharger.
3C0131483 View Product $6.16 3C0131483 Clamp. Hose. (Rear, Upper, Lower)
2009-15 W/AWD. Elbow. TT. Vacuum Hose. Vacuum Line. Connector hose. Elbow. Upper hose. UPPER PRESSURE line. Vacuum hose. Vacuum Line. Included with: Exhaust manifold, Turbocharger.
06J145718F View Product $51.57 06J145718F HOSE
2009-15 W/AWD. Elbow clamp. TT. A part which fits around the Turbocharger Oil Line and tightens, thereby securing the component in place with a Clamping force. A part which fits around the Vacuum Line and tightens, thereby securing the component in place with a Clamping force. Turbocharger Coolant Line Clamp. Center. Clip. Connector. Elbow. Turbocharger Coolant Line. Turbocharger Oil Line. Vacuum Line. Included with: Exhaust manifold, Turbocharger.
3C0131483 View Product $6.16 3C0131483 Clamp. Hose. (Rear, Upper, Lower)
#1. 2009-15 W/AWD. Feed line bolt. PartQualifier: #1. TT.
WHT000223 View Product $14.75 WHT000223 Turbocharger Oil Line Bolt
#1. 2009-15 W/AWD. Feed line seal. PartQualifier: #1. TT. Feed. Turbocharger Oil Line Gasket. Turbocharger Oil Line O-Ring. Turbocharger Oil Seal. Feed o -. Inlet pipe o -. Outlet o -. Return pipe o -. Turbocharger Gasket. Washer.
N0138514 View Product $2.01 N0138514 Oil. Ring. Tube. Seal. Line. (Upper)
#2. 2009-15 W/AWD. Feed line seal. PartQualifier: #2. TT. All Required. At Turbo and Engine. Dipstick Tube. Engine Oil Dipstick Tube O-Ring. Engine Oil Dipstick Tube Seal. Feed. O-Ring. Turbocharger Oil Line Gasket. Turbocharger Oil Line O-Ring. Turbocharger Oil Seal. Included with: Feed Line, Inlet pipe, Intake pipe, Oil Feed Tube, Oil Inlet Tube, Oil Inlet Tube Part cannot be reused/reinstalled, Oil Tube, Return Line.
N90067202 View Product $1.94 N90067202 Tube. Oil. Ring. Seal. Line. (Lower)
#2. 2009-15 W/AWD. Feed line seal. PartQualifier: #2. TT. All Required. At Turbo and Engine. Dipstick Tube. Engine Oil Dipstick Tube O-Ring. Engine Oil Dipstick Tube Seal. Feed. O-Ring. Turbocharger Oil Line Gasket. Turbocharger Oil Line O-Ring. Turbocharger Oil Seal. Included with: Feed Line, Inlet pipe, Intake pipe, Oil Feed Tube, Oil Inlet Tube, Oil Inlet Tube Part cannot be reused/reinstalled, Oil Tube, Return Line.
N90067202 View Product $1.94 N90067202 Tube. Oil. Ring. Seal. Line. (Lower)
2009-15 W/AWD. Return line. TT. Line used to transmit oil amongst the turbo, intercooler and engine. OIL Return Tube. Outlet pipe. Turbocharger Oil Line.
06H145735G View Product $228.32 06H145735G Turbocharger Oil Line
2009-15 W/AWD. TT. From Chassis/VIN 1K-8-116 825. From Chassis/VIN 8P-8A112 101. Return. To Chassis/VIN 1K-8-116 824. To Chassis/VIN 8P-8A112 100. Turbocharger Oil Line Gasket. Turbocharger Oil Line O-Ring. Turbocharger Oil Seal. Feed line upper seal. Oil feed tube o - ring. Oil inlet tube o - ring. Oil inlet tube upper seal. Oil outlet tube gasket. Oil outlet tube o - ring. Oil outlet tube upper seal. Oil pipe gasket. Oil return tube gasket. Oil return tube o - ring. Oil tube o - ring. Outlet pipe gasket. Return line gasket. Return pipe o - ring. Turbocharger Oil Line Gasket. Turbocharger Oil Line O - Ring. Turbocharger Oil Seal. Upper pipe o - ring.
06F145757L View Product $3.94 06F145757L GASKET