Shop 2011 Audi A5 Control. Module. HVAC. Blower Motor. Climate. Regulator. AUTO A/C, to VIN 1K8177648 Repair, Make, Faults - OEM Audi Part # 3C0907521B (3C0-907-521-B)

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Control. Module. HVAC. Blower Motor. Climate. Regulator.

Part Number: 3C0907521B ; 3C0-907-521-B

Automatic Temperature Controls. HVAC Blower Motor Control Module. Module to Control HVAC functions.

HVAC Blower Motor Control ModuleHVAC Control Module

Fits Jetta, Jetta GLI, Jetta Wagon, TT

AUTO A/C, to VIN 1K8177648. TT.
HVAC Electronic Control Module - Repair or Replace
A malfunctioning HVAC control module can cause intermittent faults, usually manifesting at the control panel. If your is experiencing problems with the A/C or heat, our service department is uniquely qualified to repair the faults.

This product fits 63 vehicle variants.
Audi: 1 models, 18 variants between 2008 and 2010.
Volkswagen: 2 models, 45 variants between 2005 and 2008.
MSRP $ 138.00
Installed Price $ 138.00

Call our service department to schedule installation:

Installed price includes part and dealer installation cost, local taxes not included.

Barcode for 3C0907521B