A Sensor that detects motion like a footsweep, then signals a Module which then commands the liftgate to open. Liftgate Control Module. Controller. Liftgate Motion. Object. Included with: Sensor kit.
Liftgate Motion Sensor
2019-23, labeled: 42581710. 2019-23, labeled: 85520190. 2020-25, hands free. 2022-24, hands-free. Acadia; Closure Handsfree. ACTIVE, hands free. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. Equinox; Hands Free; All. Hands free. L, LS, LT, hands free. POWER LIFTGATE; XT4; Hands Free Power Lift; Labeled 42581710,85520190. RS, hands free. SPORT TOURING, AVENIR, hands free. Terrain; Hands Free; All. W/O RS, ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS, labeled: 84192165. W/O SPORT TOURING PACKAGE, ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS, hands free. W/SPORT TOURING PACKAGE, ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS, hands free. XT6; Hands Free; Labeled 42581710.