Control. Module. Air. Module to Control HVAC functions. switch. Temperature sensor. Climate. HVAC. IONISATOR.
From 11/30/2020. FRONT, from 11/30/2020. FRONT, ionister. FRONT, ionistor, 09/28/20-02/14/2022. FRONT, ionistor, from 02/14/2022. Ionisator. UPPER, from 02/07/2022. UPPER, to 02/07/2022. HVAC Electronic Control Module - Repair or ReplaceA malfunctioning HVAC control module can cause intermittent faults, usually manifesting at the control panel. If your is experiencing problems with the A/C or heat, our service department is uniquely qualified to repair the faults.
Call our service department to schedule installation:
Installed price includes part and dealer installation cost, local taxes not included.