Shop 1989 Buick Century Module. Resistor. Control. Kit. HVAC. Express 2500. Express 3500. Express Blower, Motor, Air - OEM Buick Part # 22941007 (15-80560, 1580560, 89018770)

Every Part, Every Car, Every Dealer
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Module. Resistor. Control. Kit. HVAC.

Part Number: 22941007 ; 15-80560; 1580560; 89018770

HVAC Blower Motor Control Module. HVAC Blower Motor Resistor. BLO Motor. Blower Motor.

HVAC Blower Motor Control ModuleHVAC Blower Motor Resistor

Fits Express 1500, Express 2500, Express 3500, Savana 1500, Savana 2500, Savana 3500

Express 2500. Express 3500. Express, Savana. FRONT. Savana 2500. Savana 3500.
HVAC Blower Motor Resistor - Repair or Replace
If your heater fan or air conditioner blower on blows on high speed or low speed, you might have a failed blower motor resistor. Our technician can diagnose the fault in your and take appropriate action.

This product fits 3015 vehicle variants.
Chevrolet: 3 models, 1513 variants between 1996 and 2025.
GMC: 3 models, 1502 variants between 1996 and 2025.
MSRP $ 136.93
Installed Price $ 136.93

Call our service department to schedule installation:

Installed price includes part and dealer installation cost, local taxes not included.

Barcode for 22941007