Shop Buick Century Line. Ring. Seal. (Rear). 2.0 LITER, 3/8. 2.4 LITER. 2.4 LITER, 3/8. 2012-20, 3/8". LITER, O-ring, Liquid - OEM Buick Part # 68152002AA

Every Part, Every Car, Every Dealer
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Line. Ring. Seal. (Rear)

Part Number: 68152002AA

3/8". A/C Line O-Ring. A/C Refrigerant Line O-Ring. A/C Refrigerant Liquid Hose. Auxiliary HVAC. Discharge Hose. Evaporator Pipe Assy. Exc.Ambulance. Liquid and Suction Hose. Liquid Hose. R1234YF Refrigerant. Suction Hose. AC o -. Air Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant O -. Discharge o -. Hose AND tube Assembly o -. Liquid o -. Slim. Suction o -. Tank strap. Included with: AC Line, Liquid Line, Suction and Liquid AC Line.

A/C Refrigerant Line O-RingA/C Line O-Ring

2.0 LITER, 3/8. 2.4 LITER. 2.4 LITER, 3/8. 2012-20, 3/8". 2014-21, 3/8". 2014-21, to compressor. 3.0 LITER, rear, large. 3.2 LITER, 3/8. 3.6 LITER, 2014-21, 3/8". 3.6 LITER, 3/8". 3.6 LITER, rear, large. 3.6 LITER, rear, small. 4.7 LITER, rear, small. 5.7 LITER. 5.7 LITER, 2014-21, 3/8". 5.7 LITER, 3/8". 5.7 LITER, 6.4 LITER, rear, small. 5.7 LITER, rear, large. 5.7 LITER, rear, small. 6.2 LITER SUPERCHARGED, rear, large. 6.2 LITER, 3/8". 6.4 LITER, 2014-21, 3/8". 6.4 LITER, small. 6.7 LITER TURBO DIESEL. 6.7 LITER TURBO DIESEL, front.

This product fits 6011 vehicle variants.
Chrysler: 2 models, 231 variants between 2014 and 2023.
Jeep: 4 models, 308 variants between 2014 and 2024.
Dodge: 3 models, 436 variants between 2008 and 2023.
Fiat: 1 models, 71 variants between 2013 and 2019.
Ram: 7 models, 4965 variants between 2013 and 2024.
MSRP $ 32.50
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Installed Price $ 32.50

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Installed price includes part and dealer installation cost, local taxes not included.

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