Shop OEM BMW Part # 34211157046 (34-21-1-157-046). Clip. Brake. 2.0 liter. 2.5L. 2001-05 W/O AWD. 2001-05 W/O AWD, 325i. Brake Pads - Repair or Replace If your brake pads have reached

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Clip. Brake.

Part Number: 34211157046 ; 34-21-1-157-046

A Clip which snap onto the steering knuckle abutment or Brake caliper Bracket, used to provide a smooth channel for disc Brake pads to ride in and to reduce viBration and rattling. Disc Brake Pad Retaining Clip. pads spring. Bracket retainer. Caliper support retainer spring. Carrier retainer. Disc Abutment. Disc Anti - Rattle. Disc Pad Retaining. Emblem. Guide SPRING. Hardware kit plate.

Disc Brake Pad Retaining ClipDisc Brake Anti-Rattle Clip

2.0 liter. 2.5L. 2001-05 W/O AWD. 2001-05 W/O AWD, 325i.
Brake Pads - Repair or Replace
If your brake pads have reached their wear limit, let our technicians service the brake pads in your with OEM parts.

MSRP $ 27.32
Installed Price $ 27.32

Call our service department to schedule installation:

Installed price includes part and dealer installation cost, local taxes not included.

Barcode for 34211157046