Shop Kia Sorento Bolt. Cover. Mount. Radiator. Support. (Front, Rear, Upper, Lower). Point, EV, Horn - OEM Kia Part # 1125106256B (11251 06256B, 11251-06256-B, 11254 06256B, 11254-06256-B, 1125406256B)

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Bolt. Cover. Mount. Radiator. Support. (Front, Rear, Upper, Lower)

Part Number: 1125106256B ; 11251 06256B; 11251-06256-B; 11254 06256B; 11254-06256-B; 1125406256B

A Bolt used to attach the ABS Accumulator to its Mounting point. A Bolt used to secure the hybrid / electric sound alert speaker Bracket to the vehicle or the speaker to the Bracket. A Bolt which secures the cruise control distance sensor to it's Mounting point. A threaded rod with a drive head (such as hex, 12 point, torx, etc) on one end used to secure the Supercharger Intercooler to it's Mounting point. A threaded rod with a drive head (such as hex, 12 point, torx, etc.) on one end used to secure the Fuel Door Release Actuator to it's Mounting point. A threaded rod with a drive head (such as hex, 12 point, torx, etc.) on one end used to secure the Fuse & Relay Center to a Mounting point. A threaded rod with a drive head (such as hex, 12 point, torx, etc.) on one end used to secure the License Lamp to its Mounting surface. A threaded rod with a drive head (such as hex, 12 point, torx, etc.) on one end used to secure the Radiator Support Access Cover to it's Mounting point. A threaded rod with a drive head (such as hex, 12 point, torx, etc.) on one end used to secure the Radiator Support Air Duct to it's Mounting point. Bolt hat secures the Air Bag Impact Sensor. Bolt that secures the bumper Cover. Bumper Cover Stay Bolt. Bumper Cover Support Rail Bolt. Bumper Guide Bolt. Bumper Impact Bar Bolt. Deck Lid Finish Panel Bolt. Engine Air Intake Hose Bolt. Engine Coolant Reservoir Bolt. Fog Light Bolt. HeadLight Mounting Bolt. Horn Mount Bolt. Liftgate Latch Bolt. Radiator Mount Bolt. Radiator Support Air Deflector Bolt. Radiator Support Panel Bolt. Radiator Support Splash Shield Bolt. Turbocharger Mounting Bolt. Washer Fluid Reservoir Bolt.

Turbocharger Mounting BoltHeadlight Mounting BoltRadiator Mount BoltWasher Fluid Reservoir BoltRadiator Support Splash Shield BoltBumper Cover Support Rail BoltBumper Guide BoltAir Bag Impact Sensor BoltBumper Cover BoltBumper Cover Stay BoltBumper Impact Bar BoltFog Light BoltHorn Mount BoltLiftgate Latch BoltRadiator Support Air Deflector BoltEngine Coolant Reservoir BoltRadiator Support Panel BoltEngine Air Intake Hose BoltDeck Lid Finish Panel BoltIntercooler BoltTurbocharger Intercooler BoltRadiator Support Access Cover BoltRadiator Support Air Duct BoltFuse and Relay Center BoltCruise Control Distance Sensor BoltABS Accumulator BoltLicense Plate Light BoltFuel Filler Door Lock Actuator BoltHybrid / Electric Vehicle Sound Alert Speaker Bracket Bolt

This product fits 1026 vehicle variants.
Hyundai: 9 models, 377 variants between 2009 and 2025.
Kia: 17 models, 649 variants between 2003 and 2024.
MSRP $ 0.80
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Installed Price $ 0.80

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Installed price includes part and dealer installation cost, local taxes not included.

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